You can gift old devices to underprivileged kids who need them

There’s a new initiative in South Africa that helps you gift old devices to underprivileged kids who need them. I found out about Tech Relief and figured I’d share a bit about what they do and who they are because I think it is a rather rad concept. GirlCode is an initiative I’ve supported in the past, it’s an organisation that aims to get more women and girls interested in STEM subjects by hosting coding clubs and workshops around South Africa. They’ve partnered with a local tech solutions builder called Black Beard to set up Tech Relief.

What is Tech Relief?

Tech Relief is a new initiative that allows you to donate old tech devices like laptops, smartphones and iPads that you aren’t using any more. The service allows you to donate your devices and then puts them in the hands of young kids who can utilise them in school and for various educational activities. They’re specifically distributing the devices in underprivileged areas. We tend to think that because we don’t have the latest smartphone that it is “old” but for many kids, it is a great device for them to learn on.

You can even track your device!

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If you donate one or many of your old devices you’ll be able to track online who the device is given to and also be able to watch their progress during various educational initiatives which is really cool. Not only does this mean that there is accountability and the devices are being used for what they were said to be used for, but you’ll be able to have a far more personal understanding of the journey and support your old phone or laptop gave to someone. The devices are also going to be used during the 2019 GirlCode hackathon which is happening on the first Saturday of August.

If you want to donate an old device then just head on over to the Tech Relief website and get started! 

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