
Keanu Reeves is the internet hero we all need right now

Today is Friday, but you know what makes it even better, is that it is also the Friday before a long weekend. I’ve been sick with the black lung (aka bronchitis) and while I always feel so sorry for myself when I am sick (I have the wambulance on speed dial), I did get to wear and work in my pyjamas for the whole week, so there’s that.

Nike debuts plus-size mannequin

I think that people have been fat-shamed for years and that hasn’t helped anyone, so why not try loving yourself and see what happens? Although The Telegraph has a different opinion.

But The Telegraph wasn’t so happy about this.

A while ago, I put together a collection of Body Positive Instagram accounts to follow, and one of my favourites, Mirna Valero, shows that a certain body type doesn’t equal healthy.

View this post on Instagram

One of my core values is to get more people/women outside, moving their bodies, in the bodies they have. I do this through tackling some CRAZY adventures, connecting with people through our shared passion for movement, and creating killer experiences for women on their own terms at their own paces. The nonprofit @running_start_program helps women change their lives through running, role-modeling that that there is JOY in moving, mentoring them in a successful training program, and opening up a whole new world that is available to them ALL THROUGH THIS BEAUTIFUL, INCLUSIVE, and CHALLENGING sport. I’m giving away a FREE ENTRY to any of my US based SLOW AF Trail Adventure Retreats (redeemable in 2019 or 2020) to raise money to help even more women change the trajectory of their lives. WILL YOU HELP?? Use code MIRNAGIVESBACK for 25% more tickets. LINK IN BIO— 📷 by @zionadventurephotog #runningchangedmylife #runningchangeseverything #running #runfam #slowaf #womenonthemove #runningmotivation #optoutside #forceofnature #womenwhomove #walkinginmypurpose #changinglives #womempowerment

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Keanu Reeves is the internet hero we all need right now

I was really excited to watch Always Be My Maybe because it was written by Randall Park who stars in and Ali Wong who writes for Fresh Off The Boat (if you haven’t checked this out, add it to your must-watch list). Ali Wong also has two hilarious stand-up specials on Netflix. And this rom-com didn’t disappoint. There are a lot of funny moments, but the best by far is when Keanu Reeves joins the movie.

Enter Keanu Reeves *while sail plays in the background*

But then there were also some great Keanu Reeves as … tweets and I just couldn’t help myself. And before you judge, I think we (the royal we) decided it was ok to like and repost your own stuff. Right?!?

Keanu Reeves was also at E3 and it was breathtaking. 

Keanu will be in Cyberpunk 2077 and it just goes to show, this guy doesn’t age (scroll down to see what I’m talking about).

keanu reeves doesnt age 9gag

Speaking of gaming, Xbox has released a body wash range. I immediately thought it looked like Axe and yup it is (Lynx) and it’s called Lift Your Game. I would have gone with up your game, bring your A-game or is that your game face bro (ok, I’ll stop now).

Frozen 2 is coming

Despite not having offspring, I’ve watched Frozen a few times and really enjoyed it (Olaf was my favourite). I also know Let It Go, but that’s because it is everywhere. This week Disney announced that Frozen 2 will be released in December and Kristen Bell, who plays the less famous sister, won the internet.

Who can forget when Kristen’s daughter wanted them both to be Elsa for Halloween?


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