
Game of Thrones: The best memes from the final season

Game of Thrones has finally come to an end and regardless of what you thought of the final season (I happened to really enjoy it), I think we can all agree that when it came to memes, the Game of Thrones community delivered. Here’s my pick of the best GoT memes related to the main moments all rounded up into one convenient post. And this goes without saying (although I am going to say it) this post contains spoilers.

And just in case you were wondering, white people weren’t included in this Whatsapp group.

When Jon Snow showed his true colours and didn’t pet Ghost goodbye

When Dany lost it and went on a firing spree with her dragon

When Cersei didn’t turn out to be the worst

Jamie the Kingslayer really lived up to his name

The burn book

The point of the white horse

When Tyrion suggested Bran becomes king

People weren’t impressed that Bran became king

And we’re so used to people dying, Grey Worm deserves a shout out

So what’s next?

And then some people really wished Game of Thrones ended like this


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