game of thrones make up

The final season of Game of Thrones is coming

The final season of Game of Thrones (GOT) starts on Monday and I am so excited and sad. Excited because we will find out how it ends (it better not end on a cliff hanger) and sad because it is the last one and a lot of characters are going to die.  This is one of the only shows (aside from reality shows) that I still watch weekly because I don’t want to miss out on anything and I don’t want any spoilers. With that in mind, here’s all you need to know.

A few people have started rewatching GOT


I wanted to find out how long it would take to watch all 7 seasons and stumbled on this site, Bingeclock, that tells you how long it will take to binge-watch your favourite shows.

how long will it take you to watch GOT

And rewatching episodes has raised some questions, like this one:

The only GOT recap you need

And if you don’t have time to rewatch the entire or series or season 7 or if you only need a recap, here is the only one you’ll need.

GOT Oreos

I really want some of these but they are sadly only available in the US. Despite this, you HAVE to watch the Oreo version of the theme song.

And before you get all angry about how brands are hopping on the GOT bandwagon, remember this:

But here’s a word of warning on eating GOT snacks

Johnnie Walker is releasing a White Walker whisky

GOT makeup from Urban Decay

Sam wrote about this GOT makeup collection and the fact that it will be available in South Africa!

Soon you’ll be able to visit the GOT studio

Inspired by the Harry Potter studio tour in London, soon you’ll be able to go behind the scenes in Northern Ireland to see how the show was made. The Game of Thrones studio tour will open next year and I’m definitely adding it to my bucket list.

A GOT soundtrack is coming

I’m a fan of The Weekend and really hope it doesn’t ruin Game of Thrones.

I can’t wait to watch the first episode on Monday night (no, I’m not one of those that will wake up at 3 am) but I am worried about avoiding spoilers on Monday. I wonder what my boss would say if I said that I need to go on a social media hiatus for the entire 8th season of GOT on Mondays…

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