Apex Legends is rad. My mates and I have fun playing it. I’ve recently joined the Apex Legends South Africa community groups on Discord, Facebook and Twitter. Turns out there are a lot of other people that are enjoying it as well. I’m signed to the Codered Agency, which is a gaming and esports agency. They also happen to represent JoRoSaR and Mustache Dave. You’ll know JoRoSaR from Starcraft, SIM Racing and PUBG. While Dave is PUBG commentator famous. They’re also both extremely active in the Apex Legends community. Mustache Dave recently held a community cup and JoRoSaR was discussing formats for tournaments. I picked both their brains because I wanted to do something fun locally.
Enter GeeMax and Trinoc
My friend Geemax and I weren’t looking for a super hardcore esports tournament. We just wanted to do something fun that could showcase South African Apex players and allow everyone of all levels to participate and enjoy. We started conversations with MarsRSA who is a community manager for the Apex South Africa community pages as well as our friend Trinoc, who has been keen to cast some Apex. Dave gave us the break down of his community cup format and the GeeTech Community Sock was born!
The what?
The GeeTech Community Sock, or #SockLegends from here on out – is going to be a fun community cup for anyone playing Apex Legends on PC to participate in.
When? Sunday 3 March 2019
Time? 4 to 6pm SAST
Where? A lot of streams. The broadcast streams will run on GeeMax, mine and Trinoc’s twitch channels. But you’ll also be able to watch your favourite players.
Here’s how it works:
PC players only.
South African players only.
We’ll have a minimum of 4 teams and maximum of 8 teams competing. Every team has to have a minimum of 1 player streaming at all times. If you aren’t a streamer we’ll guide you on how to set up your outputs to a Twitch account.
The clock will start at 4pm. Squads jump into games. At the end of each game they’ll need to submit a screen grab of the squad’s final results.
Squads will be allocated points: 1 point for every kill and 5 points for a win. You’ll have two hours to earn as many points as possible. At 6pm the squad with the most points wins.
GeeMax, myself and Trinoc will run streams to all our twitch channels. We’ll jump between the various teams and also offer up behind the scenes conversations. So depending on what you want you can jump around our 3 streams or all the various participants.
But what is in it for you?
Prizes. Obviously. I want to re-iterate that this is really just meant to be a fun community cup. Anyone who plays Apex Legends can enter a squad. We’re keeping it casual, but prizes are still fun. The winning squad will receive custom #SockLegends trophies. These majestic cups will allow you to showcase your amazing esports talent. We also have trophies for the last placed squad… because this is meant to be fun.
The folks at Evetech have also kindly offered up some hardware to raise the stakes. So the winning squad will get an Evetech MARVO hamper which consists of:
A MARVO RGB Mousepad
A MARVO M316 RGB Optical Mouse
A MARVO 2 in 1 gaming mouse and mousepad
You can split the loot among the team as you see fit.
Remember this is just a fun community cup for us to all enjoy. Registrations are now open and if you want to sign up and compete just click here and fill in the details. We’ll close registrations on Friday 1 March. If you have any questions just drop them in the comments below and I’ll try answer them as best I can.
If you have questions there are two places to ask them:
- in the Apex Legends South Africa discord channel – click here to join
- in my personal discord channel – click here to join