music playlists

My 3 favourite music playlists while away from home


Being on the road for long periods of time can be tough. However, I find music really helps to centre me and ultimately keep my mood up. I’ve got specific playlists to help me through various moments of the day. There is something magical about a familiar song or a tune that has a host of memories ingrained in it. So I keep a bunch of select playlists nearby at any time to make sure I always feel close to home.

I recently reviewed the little Tivoo Pixel Art Bluetooth Speaker for YouTube. With the speaker I can pair pixel art to my favourite music playlists to make them feel even more like home! Here’s a quick look at the video if you missed it:

Using the Tivoo I’ve been able to customise my playlists even further and add some fun art to express my mood. I thought I’d share the playlists with you (you never know, there might found a new favourite song!) and also a bit of motivation behind the art.

So let’s start with the “home sickness” Playlist

My best songs all in one place ????

music playlists

I made this playlist for Deezer earlier this year. It is a combination of all my favourite tracks and actually needs an update with a few more. This is the playlist I put on when I’m missing home. Each song on here as some sort of personal meaning to me and brings about different emotions. Mostly they depict specific important moments in my life. I really enjoy listening to this playlist because it just makes me feel… full, I guess? It’s a good one to help get me through lonely stretches or delays in airports! Haha. I’ve also paired it up with the Super South African Mushroom. How adorable is the game link while still being proudly South African? Love!

Take a listen to the playlist and let me know what you think?

music playlists

Let’s get gaming! ???

music playlists

I’m still rather bleak my playstation didn’t fit in my bag. I only had a few days with Spyro before I needed to jet off and I desperately want to jam it. I’ve had to settle for the next best thing – a Spyro inspired playlist! I actually have a host of gaming playlists but this is my current favourite. I can’t claim it as my own though. Vamers, a local gaming site I love, has a Playlist series where they try guess what your favourite gaming characters would listen to. This Spyro one is all sorts of cute and cheesy. So it is a really good pick me up when I’m feeling lonely. I also thought it would be funny to pair it to some chicken pixel art on the Tivoo. If you’ve played the game you’ll get it!

You can find the playlist on Vamers – here’s the link:

Playlist: Spyro the Dragon – Fiery Bubblegum Pop Hits

Get in the zone ?‍♀️??

music playlists

Hans Zimmer is one of the most incredible composers of our generation. He has worked on the sound tracks for some of the biggest movies of our time. His work is incredible and I actually love listening to his work. I find these really great for focusing when I need to write a blog post or get some admin done. I also love this playlist for yoga, believe it or not. It just makes me feel strong and centred. I’ve got one set up on my iPhone but figured this YouTube playlist is a good substitute that you can try out. I pair it with positive pixel art on the Tivoo Bluetooth Speaker to remind me to keep centred and a heart full of light.

Here’s a great selection of Hans Zimmer classics:

If you’re a fan of putting together rad music playlists then please share them with me so I can match them to some funky pixel art on the Tivoo Bluetooth Speaker. This is such a cute little gift for the holidays and you can personalise it for your someone special! They’re available at Makro if you’re looking. Click here to see them in store.


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