
A birthday month is not a thing

Can someone please explain to me why a birthday month is a thing? The clue is in the name: birthDAY. You see it’s my birthday next week, and while I am no Grinch when it comes to celebrating birthdays, I don’t get why it should be a month of celebrations. This view probably has a lot to do with my age… but what will never get old is watching comedy, and I really recommend Daniel Sloss. All this and a bag of chips in this week’s Bytesized.

The face I make when it’s my actual birthday. 

Excited Happy Birthday GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

?Never stop never stopping believing in your dreams – Gandhi

It’s that time of the year where morale is pretty low and everyone is working for the December holidays. I find that looking at motivational quotes and memes really help.

?A fun fact that will blow your mind

A fun fact I learnt this week, and that I had never previously thought about, is that only four other mammals besides humans go through menopause. And they all live under the sea. The orca (killer whale), beluga, short-finned pilot whale and the unicorn of the sea, the narwhal.


narwhal tastefully offensive

Speaking of animals that go through menopause, here is one that doesn’t – the jaguar.

?Me talk pretty one day aka how to speak delicious English

This kind of faux pa reminds me of Michael from The Office.

michael scott the office

?WATCH THIS: Daniel Sloss on Netflix in a two-part special

It is no secret that I love comedy, especially inappropriate comedy. I laugh at all the things you shouldn’t. Netflix is a great place to watch stand up comedy (so far my favourites include Ricky Gervais Humanity, Jim Jefferies and Ali Wong) and when Daniel Sloss popped up I realised I had never heard of this guy before. I watched the trailer and then watched both episodes. Twice. On a school night.

The first deals with religion and death and the second relationships and vegans. He gets very real, very fast but does it in a laugh out loud way. So real and so funny that people have actually broken up or filed for divorce. But it is really good, so go and watch it.

ICYMI: Don’t ever wear strops with socks to a wedding. You’re not Kanye

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