
Hey remember that time Kanye wore slippers to a wedding? Don’t ever do that.

This week I finally did it. I ordered a security cam that will be put in my chinchilla’s room, introducing Chinchilla Cam. I always wonder what he gets up to, so this is perfect. What I didn’t think through was how I’m going to plug it in because Maurice, being a chinchilla, chomps everything (side note: Hedgehog Cam is next because Axel runs on his wheel all night and I want to try and work out how much mileage he does).

So that’s what I’m doing this weekend, that and binge-watching trashy reality TV, probably eating Nandos (they deserve the money after their latest ad) and remembering that I can’t be cool like Kanye and wear slippers with socks to my sister’s wedding. And coincidentally, most of these things (not the Chinchilla Cam) tie in with things you need to know about in this week’s Bytesized!

?Never ever wear any form of strops & socks to a wedding

No matter how casual a wedding is, never ever wear any form of strops and socks or crocs. It’s weird that this has to be said but think of it as a PSA. Also never think you are above this rule just because you have money.

So Kanye wore slippers to a wedding (or slip-ons and socks) and even though they are part Yeezy and cost $150, if you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig (this is one of my favourite sayings). Plus they were also too small.

kanye slides

Kanye clapped back though. First, he said it was the Japanese way (even though his shoes look completely different).

And then he just laughed it off.

?Nandos does it again

We’ve had some really interesting ads recently and Nandos just gets us. In the ad below they poke fun at cyborgs, a bank’s recent rebranding campaign and even have hyenas! Where do you rent hyenas from?

Absa then responded to Nandos…

And Capitec and Nedbank even joined in…

If you want a good laugh, go and read the other comments. Twitter was not liking what Absa did at all!

?Who remembers the Famous Five by Enid Blyton?

If you didn’t grow up reading at least one Famous Five book did you even have a childhood? That was a rhetorical question. I grew up reading Enid Blyton and even have The Magic Faraway Tree on my to read again list. I don’t know if I could read the Five series again, let’s just say I’m an adult now. But they have actually updated the Famous Five to be relevant today, and these are books I’d definitely read.

famous five spoof books

But the tweet below shows that truth is always stranger than fiction.

? The joys of watching trashy reality TV

I’m a fan of The Real Housewives of Orange Country, New York and Beverly Hills as well as Catfish. I saw that The Real Housewives of Johannesburg was a thing, watched the first episode and was thoroughly disappointed. I then watched the second episode, and now I am on episode 5 and am invested. I am not saying I’m proud of this, I’m just telling it like it is.

The fights between Chrystall (yes it ends with two ll’s) and Madame are amazing, the soirees and the shade are incredible. My BF doesn’t approve of my addiction hobby, but that’s what DSTV catchup is for. I don’t know why I enjoy this show so much, but I do.

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