
6 body positive Instagram accounts to follow to make your feed instantly better

Body positivity is the idea that you should feel good about yourself regardless of what you weigh. While it seems simple, I think a lot of people struggle with this, myself included. I’ve been on a diet healthy eating plan for about a month now and have started exercising, but it is a struggle. I keep swaying between saying fuck it and loving myself as is or sticking to a diet and loving myself. It is my sibling’s wedding in December and I am shedding for the wedding. I just don’t like the way I look right now (my double chin is really bothering me). But what does help me, is following positive accounts on the gram that make me realise I’m OK and more than my weight.

Here are local and international Instagram accounts that celebrate body positivity.

Megan Jayne Crabbe @BodyposiPanda 

I have bookmarked her book to read and after reading it, I am pretty sure it will make the TechGirl Book Club (but I don’t want to judge a book by its cover).

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Someone asked me last week whether I ever miss dieting. And don't get me wrong, I could list so many things that I DON'T miss – the hunger, the counting, the putting life on hold until you hit the goal weight – but if I'm honest, there's something I do miss. • I miss being so sure that I had the answer to happiness. The one-step cure-all solution to making everything okay. A belief strong enough to build my world around: that making my body smaller would make all the other things fall into place. • Because that's what diet culture is really selling us: the promise that it'll all be perfect once we hit the other side of the before and after. We'll be the version of ourselves we were born to be! All we have to do is follow the plan. The one-step cure-all solution to life. • I miss how having that kind of hope and simplicity felt. But that doesn't mean I'll ever go back. Because I don't miss how it felt when it never came true. When I played by the rules and my life didn't magically fall into place. When I hit the goal weight and realised everything wasn't perfect, and I still didn't feel like my body was either. • The truth is that there is no one-step cure-all solution. There never was. Only an illusion. Of course it feels easier to distil your whole world into a goal body than to actually live in all of its messy, unpredictable, complicated and so far from perfect reality. But if we choose to go back to easy and simple rather than navigate complicated and messy, we will hunger for more our whole lives. • So no, I don't miss dieting. Sometimes I miss the illusion of life being simple that dieting gave me. But I know deep down that I've traded simplicity for so much more, and remembering that makes it easier to stop looking back. Plus I can eat ice-cream whenever I want. 💜💙💚🌈🌞 •P.s. this caption is part of my latest column for @theunedit, swipe up in my stories for the rest 🌸 [Image: a picture of Megan when she was thinner next to one of her now in a bikini with text that reads "Me believing that weight loss would solve everything Vs Me knowing that happiness isn't as simple as a number but trying my hardest to figure it out"] #bodypositive

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Kerry Heathfield Sharper @Kandidly.Kerry

Sam recently wrote a cool life update blog post that mentioned Kandidly Kerry, and I must agree. She is a great account to follow that talks about body positivity (the good and the bad) which makes her really relatable.

Chrissy Teigen @ChrissyTeigen

Yes, she is a model but she keeps it real and loves food (she has two cookbooks out). She calls out anyone on their BS and is a breath of fresh air.


She shut down that dude on Twitter and it went viral (in the sense that it made Buzzfeed) and co-owns a plus size fashion store, Leebex.

Tess Holiday @TessHolliday 

She is a strong supporter of #EffYourBeautyStandards and challenges notions of what people think is beautiful or not.

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@massy.arias kicked my butt today! Not gonna lie to y’all- Seeing my body from some of these angles made me feel badly at first, & then had to remind myself who I am 💪🏻I’m fat & fooooooine😛Also my sports bra says “Women don’t owe men shit.” & it’s by @kidd.bell .. RP @massy.arias – “#WCW @tessholliday We are putting in work. Here are some of the moves we worked on today. Emphasis is on strengthening her core and complex movements that require different muscles so we burn burn burn. Pay attention to the core moves as they are staple when trying to build a strong core (specially my mamas out there). The goal to a successful fit journey is to make sustainable goals. Start small, and build from it. Keep growing by learning your body. Make it fun! This is only the beginning, and I’m so proud of this woman!” #mawarrior #effyourbeautystandards #robynforever

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Mirna Valerio @TheMirnavator

I came across Mirna Valerio while listening to this episode of the Rich Roll podcast. She describes herself as “a beautiful work in progress” and is a long distance marathon (and recently trail), runner. Her blog, Fat Girl Running is also worth a read.

Are there any accounts that make you feel good about yourself that you follow on Instagram? 


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