My first taste of gaming came when I was about 10 years old and I received this 8 Bit beauty. The first games my sibling and I got addicted to were Duck Tales, Space Invaders, Islander, and Road Fighter. We also experienced our first gaming blisters on our thumbs. Good times! So you can imagine my delight when I found out that some of these games were available on mobile. Let the nostalgia begin…
A simple game to help a dude find his girlfriend while dodging snails and snakes and sometimes activating the skateboard (the best part).
Get Islander for free on Android on Google Play.
SEE ALSO: 10 games to help you move from mobile to PC gaming
Road Fighter
I love car racing games and it stems from Road Fighter. I think we got this game (cartridge) for my dad one year (such clever kids when it comes gift giving) and I really love the simplicity of this. Dodging cars and grabbing the multi coloured car before it disappears.
Get Road Fighter for free on Android on Google Play.
I tried to find the app versions, but it kept on saying “Not yet available in your country” which breaks my heart ? because using Scrooge’s cane to jump over Venus flytraps is what childhood memories are made of. In lieu of this, I did find an online version.
Click here to play DuckTales online.
READ MORE: The best FREE apps to use every day to improve your life
While I never played this on console, I did play it on PC. There was something about sitting in front of a computer for hours trying to get to the next level. While this version is much fancier than original, you get that old school feel with better graphics.
There is no free version, but you can play Doom 3 on Android for R139.99.
Sam also streams this regularly on her Facebook page every Thursday at 1pm CAT if you’re keen to see what the game looks like on the Nintendo Switch.
Still here? Why not check out the ridiculous Face Dance which is like a game of exercise for your face.
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