It’s so funny looking back at your life: the things that you can remember from when you were younger. Things that, at the time, might have passed you by as completely insignificant, but then when you look back now they stand out as these amazing moments from your past. For me, my first time playing a God of War game is one of those moments. When I was younger and I had friends over we would either be swimming or we would be upstairs playing one of my PlayStation games together. If I’m being completely honest with you, not much has really changed.
During one of these times, my friend Miguel came over and he messed with this perfect system. He brought one of his own games for us to play, it was the original God of War, and I absolutely and completely LOVED it.
You know that feeling when you meet someone and from the first words exchanged you already just click with them? Well, that was how I felt about God of War. I have never been more upset to see a friend go than when he left… with the game.
If you didn’t already know, God of War is a series of 7 action hack-and-slash PlayStation games featuring Greek mythology and following the story of the main protagonist, Kratos – the God of War. Why am I getting all nostalgic about this now, you might ask? Well, that’s because God of War is no longer a series of 7 games, but rather a series of 8.
We finally got a release date for the brand new God of War game and it’s a lot sooner than what was previously hinted at. If all goes according to plan, April 20th should be the day that your life changes, just like my life did when my friend first introduced me to this mythos so many years ago.
God of War is a continuation of God of War 3, just many, many years later. This time instead of focusing on Greek lore, the franchise steps into the realm of Norse mythology and the Kratos we all know and love is not only older and wiser, but he is also a father. So far we don’t really know too much more about the story, but from everything that I’ve seen so far it’s going to be VERY story driven and if you love games that are not just breathtakingly beautiful but also based in the tales of old and have some real substance to them, then I think this might just be one of your favorite games to come out in 2018. I’m almost positive it’s going to be one of mine.
One of the main reasons that I really wanted to share my excitement about this with everyone is because I would like more woman to not just dismiss games like God of War as ‘boys games’ and never give themselves the chance to experience something different and invigorating. I’ve always seen gaming as one of the most genuine forms of entertainment and true entertainment doesn’t discriminate, true entertainment will always be able to transcend age, gender, and sexuality. I’m not saying you that you NEED to love God of War, maybe games like this just aren’t your cup of tea, maybe you prefer something a little more low-key and toned down – and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, but maybe, just maybe, you’re like me and end up loving it.
So here’s hoping that if you’ve never played a God of War game before and you enjoyed the trailer, that I can be someone’s Miguel and end up introducing you to this wonderful world that you never thought you’d even like but now love.