
You mean you don’t have a poop knife?

I can’t believe that February is almost here (and yes I know how calendars work, but January is flying by) and that I haven’t seen any Valentine’s Day ads yet. I guess #Januworry is real. Even though you may be broke (especially if you invested in Bitcoin), here are internet funnies to make you LOL and forget that payday is still a week away.

New Year, New You: if you’d like to stick to your resolutions, there are apps to help you

? ?Jane Fonda is my spirit animal

Just when you thought Jane Fonda couldn’t be any more awesome, she does this.


Here’s me on the red carpet of LA Museum of Modern Art gala

A post shared by Jane Fonda (@janefondaofficial) on


??#BlackHogwarts is funny AF

And yes I want to go to there.  I really hope we get a Scary Movie type spoof of Black Hogwarts. Here are some of my favourite #BlackHogwarts treats. Warning: contains spoilers.

SEE ALSO: Find out how long it takes a Kardashian to earn your salary

?Don’t let your phone ring in public & other phone etiquette rules for 2018

I’m a huge fan of Awaken with JP especially after his how to become gluten intolerant video and his latest, Phone Etiquette for 2018 doesn’t disappoint. My favourite tips include:

  • don’t ever leave a voicemail but voice notes are OK because they are completely different
  • you should always text before you call – have some respect

ICYMI: What does badger milk have to do with 2018?

??You mean you don’t have a poop knife?

This article has been doing its rounds on the internet and when I finally found out what a poop knife was I just laughed out loud. Read the poop knife story on Buzzfeed here. 


poop knife urban dictionary

MRW I don’t realize this is a poop knife

?We all have a neighbour like this #ComplexLife

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