
What does badger milk have to do with 2018?

I’ve been back at work for two weeks and already the internet has blessed (#blessed) us with Goop #NewYearNewYou recommendations, a food trend that needs to stop right now, fun facts that will blow your mind, an important #Januworry tip and more. I hope you’re hungry ? because this is the first edition of Bytesized for 2018!

? ?Trend to die: crosushi

We are not even two weeks into 2018 and we already have what my co-worker called an “awful abomination”. Crosushi is what you get when you place sushi inside a croissant because why not?

? ? Gwyneth ‘Goop’ Paltrow has gone too far

And by too far, I don’t mean the jade egg in your vagina, I mean the DIY coffee enema and whatever else may come in 2018. It’s enough and it needs to stop. FFS.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: You know you’ve nailed this adulting thing when…

? This is so millennial

#Januworry is a real thing because we now have an official hashtag (obviously) and here is my millennial-friendly tip:

SEE ALSO: the 6 phases of going back to work after a long holiday 

???Michael Buble goes undercover as a South African

This really cracked me up. There is nothing quite like the South African accent and Buble does an amazing job! Watch until the end when people realise it is actually Michael Buble.

? ? Badger milk because we’re gonna party like its 2001

I’m trying to make badger milk a thing, so bear with me here. Whenever we make coffee, I am the unofficial check-to-see-if-the-milk-is-off person. I refer to off milk as badger milk, because of this scene from The Animal (a dumb but hilarious Rob Schneider movie).


And finally, two amazing fun facts that you can impress your friends with…

?? Kenny G is the reason we have frappuccinos

??? The Hoff performed at the fall of the Berlin Wall

I knew he was big in Germany but this… this is quite a catchy tune.

Still here? Then go back in time and check out the best of 2017 Bytesized edition.

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