I don’t know about you but I’m working for the weekends and when I’m not working for the weekends, I’m working for the December holidays. It’s been an awesome year but it feels like 2017 is one of the longer ones. To cheer myself up, I’ve found all the internet funnies you need to know about. Like the best gifs and cool fun facts you can drop in the bar later (or if you’re over 30 can tell your S.O while in pjs about).
SEE ALSO: What a R6000 hairdryer looks like (Sam tested it out)
This gif is all of us waiting for the end of the year…
And it is probably one of my favourite gifs ever. Right after the raccoon rolling gif. That one will always have a special place in my heart.
@galoobzzz pic.twitter.com/JtjKXK12Eu
— Claire Sebastiao (@ClaireSebastiao) November 10, 2017
My favourite gif ever….
READ MORE: These Amazon reviews are funny AF
Pokemon Go but for Harry Potter fans
The same people that brought us Pokemon Go are now bringing us Harry Potter: Wizards Unite which will launch next year. I am so excited for this. Can you imagine the fun you’ll have running around collecting horcruxes and actually finding fantastic beasts?
Cards Against Humanity bought a part of the border between Mexico & US so Trump can’t build his wall
Your favourite game, Cards Against Humanity, has just proved that it is even more awesome than originally thought. The card company has created cardsagainsthumanitysavesamerica.com and has more tricks up its sleeve.
SEE ALSO: the new South Park game is here
The Dog Whisperer has released audible for dogs
One of my favourite South Park episodes of all time is the Dog Whisperer, where after all the TV nannies fail, Caeser Milan steps in and gets Cartman under control. The Dog Whisperer has partnered with Amazon to bring audiobooks for dogs to keep them calm while you are away.
The Twitter upgrade you may not even have noticed
Last week Twitter got upgraded (depending on who you ask) to 280 characters and then it became the gift that keeps on giving. Your screen name can now be up to 50 characters.
And ICYMI, here’s last week’s Bytesized: