Splatoon 2 Global Testfire

Join the Cherriez vs Cheez boys Splatfest in South Africa!

I am so freaking excited that I finally get to share this with you. You have to be well aware by now that since the moment the Nintendo Switch was announced and Splatoon 2 was showcased I’ve joked and said Splatoon 2 will be the game that finally kickstarts my professional Esports career. It is said very tongue-in-cheek but the truth is I really do love the game. Even though I’m less than brilliant at it I just think it is SO MUCH FUN.

It is simple to play, fun and doesn’t full me with pressured dread the same way many other team based first person shooters do. Anyone can play. Which is why, if you’re based in Johannesburg, I really want to encourage you to come join in the CherrieZ vs Cheez Boys Splatfest happening on 22 November at the Nintendo Pop Up Zone in Sandton City:

South African Splatfest

Looks pretty epic right?

Now let’s get down to actual business

south african splatfest

Yes, Splatoon 2 is fun. Yes, anyone can play. But I still think I’m the undisputed Splatoon 2 champion. I’m actually taken aback that my buddy Rob Forbes thinks he can come in here and challenge me for this crown. So I need your help. The Splatfest works as follows:

You need to get your name on the guest list STAT. Then make your way to the Nintendo Pop Up Zone at Sandton City on 22 November for 6 (we’re set to start at 6:30). You’ll be able to choose a team to participate in (the Cherriez OBVIOUSLY). You’ll also then have a chance to play on the Switch and get hands on with Splatoon 2. We’ll then draw our teams and compete in a best of 3 competition (where the Cherriez will be victorious).

Splatoon 2 Global Testfire

There are rad prizes up for grabs for all participants AND if you make the exclusive guest list you’ll be guaranteed some awesome swag on arrival (you know I always got you at these things 😉 ). Plus Red Bull to keep hydrated, yummy treats and generally just an awesome time of gaming. Plus you get to help me beat Rob Forbes. It should be a good night all round!

If you’re keen to attend then drop me a comment below and I’ll get you on the RSVP list. Be sure to include your email addie in the required field (don’t worry, no one can see it but me). Our first South African Splatfest! My body is ready! 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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