
Twitter reacts to #280Characters

This week in Joburg was hot AF and not in a #LIT way but rather weather wise. I’ve had zero energy and blame it all on the sun (and maybe a little on the time of the year). In light of this (see what I did there), I’ve found the hottest internet news you need to know about this week.

READ MORE: The ultimate holiday survival guide

Twitter reacts to #240Characters on Twitter

Everyone now has 240 characters on Twitter. And with great character count comes… I’m not really sure. Maybe longer tweets? And who had the best reactions to the news, why Twitter of course!

While some were happy with longer tweets, what they really wanted is an edit button. Just like Facebook.

For some, it just wasn’t their cup of tea.

And then we got flashbacks of Nokia SMS messages…

Some decided to use this power wisely. B-A-N-A-N-A!

And this guy is tweeting way too much truth. #TRUTH

The extended character count makes for a great way to send out Christmas lists…

After recently discovering what TL;DR means, Twitter has now become this.

Instagram beauty people you need to just STOP

Brows have been big for a while now but people have been getting creative. Is creative the right word?  From wave brows to featherbrows but the recent trend, ponybrows has gone a step too far.


 SEE ALSO: I went to a press day and ended up getting laser hair removal

Animojis in movies

So the iPhoneX hits stores on Black Friday in South Africa and one of the main features, animoji is already a hit. Watch as animojis star in famous movie scenes.

READ MORE: With the festive season around the corner, find out you can buy from Amazon from South Africa

The best (worst) costume ever

If you haven’t watched IT yet, you really should. I plan on watching it multiple times. While IT was a huge hit this Halloween, how amazing is it being the balloon?

Your Twitter family

You might have seen My Twitter Family tweets doing their rounds. You can find out all about your Twitter family tree here. I’m not sure how the algorithm works because I did mine and was like who are these people?!?

SEE ALSO: High end fashion & beauty brands go geek!

And here it is, the best use of #280Characters…

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