South African box subscriptions

Should I make another South African box subscriptions list?

Almost two years ago I wrote a blog post about my favourite South African box subscriptions. At the time they were all the rage and everyone and their mom had a new subscription service you absolutely had to sign up to. But then we all seemed to move on. Interestingly enough, that blog post is still one of the most read on my blog. Which can only mean people are still looking for fun subscriptions right?

I used to sign up to all the boxes, but then slowly lost interest… until an interesting call.

South African box subscriptions

I still remember being in the line to board for my flight to Taiwan for Computex. My phone rang and it was The Gin Box team. They had read my blog post and wanted to introduce me to their box subscription – The Gin Box. I was rather amused but also a bit intrigued. How would a Gin Box be interesting? Would you just get a different bottle of Gin each month? I returned from Taiwan to a box delivery and was pleasantly surprised.

South African box subscriptions

The Gin Box is South Africa’s first Craft Gin Club. You can select to have a box delivered to you every month, bi-monthly, quarterly or as a gift. Each Box continues a bottle of one of South Africa’s best small batch craft Gins, two unique tonics, three gourmet food items to complement the Gin and the most comprehensive guide to recipes for great mixes, notes on the Gin, its history and exciting ways to pair the alcohol. I absolutely loved my box:

South African box subscriptionsSouth African box subscriptions

South African box subscriptionsSouth African box subscriptions

South African box subscriptionsSouth African box subscriptions

South African box subscriptions

There’s a great “Grapefruit, Lime and Gin Pops” recipe included that I cannot wait to try! This was such a pleasant reminder of how much fun subscription boxes are. If you need a quick reminder: you sign up for a regular delivery. You’re surprised each month (or every two months) with a box filled with rad goodies. In this case the focus was Gin, but there have been sweet subscription boxes, clothing and make up ones and even books for kids.

My love for subscription boxes has been renewed.

You can find a host online. Which has got me thinking – should I revive my South African box subscriptions list and do a new one? What do you think?

Also, more importantly, if you’re subscribed to any South African box deliveries please let me know in the comments below so I can check them out!

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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