tomb raider lara croft

The new Tomb Raider movie trailer and my visit to the movie set

If you follow me on social media you’ll know that the incredible folks at Warner Bros let me visit the set of the Tomb Raider movie that was being filmed in Cape Town a few months ago. The header image is actually me playing with one of the props on set and I’ve got an Instagram post up as well:

The set visit was mind blowing and I’ll share more about that with you in building up to the film (and yes, I did get to meet Alicia. AAAAH). If you want to get your first glance of Alicia Vikander as our beloved Lara Croft, now is your chance! The first trailer for the movie has dropped! They actually had a trailer for a trailer 24 hours ago that received a lot of negativity online about how little it showed (um duh, Trailer for a trailer folks). You’ll know I’ve been excited about this movie from way before my set visit, after getting a glimpse in to how this movie is made I feel even more attached to it. The trailer below gave me ALL the goosebumps.

Take a watch and then let me know your favourite part of the trailer and what you’re most excited to see in the movie in the comments below: 


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