
How to unfriend like a pro

I wonder what the ratio of screaming teens and tweens to parents is at a Justin Bieber concert? I’m guessing it is 1 parent for every 4 kids. A dad chaperoned his teens and wrote the best (honest) review of the concert. Fun fact: the VIP section is called the J-Pit. Another fun fact: when the Biebs released his new album, I bought the CD to listen to in my car. This is not something I’m proud of, but I will take you on in Bieber Car-a-oke.

In other internet stuff Caspar’s Baywatch audition will make you chuckle, see a side of Darth Vader you’ve never seen before, and learn how to unfriend people on Facebook like a pro. You’re welcome.

ICYMI: The app we never asked for – Not Hotdog #BytesizedZA

This review of the Bieb’s concert in Cape Town is everything

A dad lovingly took his teenagers to watch Justin Bieber in Cape Town and wrote a review. That review has gone viral and it is as funny AF. Read the full dad review of the Bieber concert here. But here are my favourite quotes.


He has a signature movement. He hunches his shoulders and bends his knees as if he is defending the home team’s basket and his palms seem to graze his crotch. He does this every few minutes, as if he is adjusting a jock strap that’s too tight. It looks sort of molester-ish.

When his kids explain why Justin Bieber has to lip sync (something about damaging vocal chords):

In 2017 Justin has 48 shows lined up. Led Zeppelin did 88 shows in 1970, traveling in shitty 1970s airplanes and limos with no wi-fi across America twice, then through the UK, through Scandinavia and Europe.

Oh it’s your birthday? Unfriend

During some office banter, it was revealed that most people get unfriended on their birthdays. This was news to me, so I hit up the Google machine. Ashley uses Facebook’s birthday reminders as the perfect excuse to cleanse her Facebook friend list and describes the process as efficient. 

Thank goodness Facebook doesn’t send out a notification when you are unfriended. I won’t lie even if I didn’t know the person that well, it would cut deep. I mean, why don’t they like me?

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An epic Baywatch audition

When you read Baywatch did you have the theme song in your head? “Some people stand in the darkness… I’ll be there”. The Hoff and Pam will forever remind me of standard 5 (that’s grade 7 for people born way after me). Caspar auditions for Baywatch and hilarity ensues. And The Rock is just as awesome as always.

SEE ALSO: The Rock Clock is the alarm clock from The Rock you need in your life right now

Darth Vader is just like you & me

Photographer Pawel Kadysz created images to show us what Darth Vader would be like if he was a regular guy.

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I would’ve taken The Dark Lord for more of a bacon and pineapple type of guy
darth vader 2
This is pretty much all of us right now. Flu season is upon us
darth vader 3
If you feel like watching an entertaining movie this weekend, check out Alien: Covenant

For more pictures from the Darth Vader series, click here. 

And here’s how to tell if something is really bad

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