
The best free apps to use every day to improve your life

In our “there’s an app for that” world it becomes difficult to decide which apps to use. Well luckily for you I have made a list of the best free apps to use every day to improve your life and increase your awesomeness*.

These apps will also save you time, help you manage stress, become more intelligent and maybe even solve world peace (one of these is complete BS).

*Results may vary

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Best app to make sure you wake up on time & actually get out of bed: The Rock Clock

I’m what they refer to as “not a morning person”. Once I’m up I’m fine, but it is the waking up part I struggle with. I tried setting my regular alarm clock to a song I love, but  I just end up singing to the song and then falling back to sleep.

I also tried annoying sirens but waking up like that every morning has taken precious minutes off of my life.

 The Rock Clock™- screenshot

The Rock Clock is the brainchild of The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson and never fails to wake me up. And how does it accomplish what many would consider an impossible feat? It has no snooze button and just gets louder until you switch off.

Other cool features include: waking up at the same time as The Rock, setting your own goals and choosing from a selection of awesome sounds to wake up to.

download from google play download on the app store

Best calm TF down app: Headspace

Just 10 minutes of meditation a day can extend your life by 5 years and lower your stress levels by 83%. Not really, but meditation really does make life easier and keeps you calmer.  And most of the world’s ultra performers can’t be wrong can they? Can they?

 Headspace - meditation- screenshot

Headspace teaches you to meditate in 10 days.  There is no right or wrong way and this app keeps things simple. I often go back and do the intro course again (and that’s not only because you have to pay for the rest).


SEE ALSO: 3 apps to teach you how to meditate 

download from google play download on the app store

Best email cocktail “app”: Gmail + Boomerang + Unroll Me

While technically not one app, this is what I like to call the email trifecta. Gmail is intuitive and separates the important mails from the promotional ones. But add Boomerang in the mix and it becomes even better. Boomerang allows you to schedule emails. 

I schedule emails all the time because when I’m in work mode I can get so much more done and the recipients are non the wiser. No one wants to see you burning the midnight oil or worse receive emails at ungodly hours.

boomerang send email later in gmail
You can also allow Boomerang to manage, send and delete emails but ain’t nobody got time for that.

SEE ALSO: How to tame the email inbox beast 

I subscribe to a lot of newsletters and instead of receiving emails throughout the day and interrupting my work flow, I get one email digest in the morning. Say hello to Unroll.Me. 

unroll me all your promo emails in one place
These previews have saved me so much time

With this biscuit of an app (iOS only or use the desktop version to set up to receive emails in Gmail) you can unsubscribe from annoying emails and only read the ones you want to.

YOU MIGHT ALSO DIG: All your promo emails in one place 

download Unroll Me on the app store

Best app for kids who can’t read good and want to learn how to do other stuff good too: Blinkist

Blinkist summarizes the most popular non fiction books and on the free version you get a new book everyday. Subjects vary from self help to culture to business. Another bonus is that you can sign up for the Blinkist Minute, which is a daily mailer containing non fiction food for thought (I add this to my roll up in Unroll.Me).

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iPhone Screenshot 2

download from google play download on the app store

What apps do you use every day to make life easier and more awesome? Let me know in the comments and who knows your choice might be added to the list. Who needs prizes right? 😛

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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