
Know your hashtag: #SaltBae

“Tumi, WTF is a salt bae?” I asked my go to millenial friend who usually explains these things to me. #SaltBae is actually the first meme of 2017 and here’s what it is all about.

It all started with a dude, some steak and salt. The salt is the important part. Meet @nurs_et, a dude who cooks and hangs out with famous people. My introduction doesn’t do him justice. Nurset Gokce is actually a famous chef from Turkey.  After this video the term #SaltBae emerged.

Ottoman steak ?

A video posted by nusr_et (@nusr_et) on

Urban Dictionary defines #SaltBae as: a Turkish chef that sensually salted a piece of meat he was cooking in an instagram video and quickly became a meme known as “salt bae”.

And not long after we got our very own African #SaltBae.

This video is ridiculously funny. Just watch what @Gerogesketch does to an avo. 



Then the memes started rolling


Haha ?#microsoft #haha #saltbae #sugarcoated #resume #perfect #nusret #steakhouse #worldstar #vine

A photo posted by The Meme God (@leo_cbe) on

Still confused? Watch adults react to #SaltBae

Now go forth and be more like #SaltBae.

Let’s hope he gets his own cooking show soon. 

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