What Monopoly: The Millenial Edition would look like, it is time to throw out those selfie sticks kids because there is a selfie drone in town, the Biebster’s tweets get explained, SA twitter has no chill (again) and it leads to hilarious results – #PoorBaba explains what we really think of JZ (Jacob Zuma) and more in Bytesized.
SEE ALSO: Office Secret Santa gift guide – all under R100!
Throw out your selfie stick, because there’s a new sherif in town
Say hello to AirSelfie, a mini drone that takes selfies. Watch the gif below to see it in action. If you are keen, then head to Kickstarter to back this project.
On millenials and board games
SEE ALSO: The ultimate holiday survival guide
#PoorBaba JZ gets taken down like a champ on Twitter
That time they rather put De Klerk on the red carpet than Baba #PoorBaba pic.twitter.com/AYcHemASZ0
— Nomfundo Engler (@NomfundoEngler) November 30, 2016
The time Zuma was not invited into the group handshake #poorbaba pic.twitter.com/bcS1687vhN
— Ravi Naidoo (@ravinaidoo) November 30, 2016
That time uTata wouldn’t hold his hand. #PoorBaba pic.twitter.com/sRNKsAg0uc
— Khaya Dlanga (@khayadlanga) November 30, 2016
When even Mugabe is sick of hearing your voice #PoorBabapic.twitter.com/Lp9CwrkbUZ
— SaxonwoldShebeen (@StateShebeen) November 30, 2016
And while we’re at it, why not get the Zumalator app.
According to the creator:
Download the Zumalator app for Android here.
The Biebster’s tweets get analysed (and it is about time too)
This is still cracking me up. Check out more Hammerhead TV videos here.
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