Living on your own can be tough. No mom to cook you food, wash your clothes or bring you chocolate when you’re feeling poorly. I did the solo thing for one year before shacking up with my bestie – while she doesn’t wash my clothes or bring me chocolate (yet), she is a pretty damn good cook. Which has spoilt me considerably for any future house mates.
One month before I moved in with her I decided to try a new service.
I was worried about my eating habits and how unhealthy they had become. I’d eat a decent breakfast, gobble down a lunch purchased from one of the cafes around work (usually over priced and unhealthy) and then get home from work relatively late and be too lazy to cook – so I’d snack on the rubbish in the kitchen. Alternatively I’d eat out. It was costing me a lot of money.
Then I found Servd Fresh
I started looking around for a food delivery service because I’d been told by a few friends that they’d found similar services and found them really useful when you’re eating for one. I looked at a few options but decided that Servd Fresh looked the least pre-packaged. The rest all seemed a bit “frozen” to me. I wanted a service that delivered fresh and healthy food that didn’t look overly prepared or seemed like they had a stack of preservatives injected in to them to keep the stuff fresher for longer. I also had some concerns about the ones claiming to help you lose weight – so was in the market for something healthy but not looking for the miracle cure to make me skinny. Only you have that cure!
I’m also a bit fussy and was really worried that I’d get a bunch of food that would taste awful – how wrong I was! Servd Fresh gives you a selection to choose from: Lunch & Dinner, Low Carb High Fat meals, Low GI meals or just a weight loss option based on calories to suit your needs. The entire ordering process is done online and you just need to answer a few questions to determine the best options for you. I went with the calories option (you can select which calories meal you want based off some quick questions on how much exercise you do).
All your food for one month
You order and then pay. There after each week a friendly man arrives on a specific day of the week (based off when you ordered) with a brown bag of food. You get 20 days worth of food in the total order. It cost me roughly R4000 and each week I was greeted with a bag of 5 breakfast meals, 5 lunch options and 5 dinners. There was also a host of healthy snacks included: enough for you to have two snacks a day. Not bad going for the costing.
The food was delicious
Everything from the snacks to the dinners were absolutely delicious. They never needed seasoning and were really diverse. Most importantly they were super healthy as well. After ordering and paying I was sent a menu with a host of options and asked to select my favourite meals on that list for each week – this meant that my delivery had items I liked in it rather than meals I might not enjoy.
I was really impressed with the whole service and how easy it was to order online. I also ate healthy for a month – big bonus! I really love how easy it has become to order items customised to your needs and have them ordered to you. Much like box subscriptions (and I have a list of the best ones here) it really just makes life so much easier. Have you used a food delivery service yet? What did you think?
Disclosure: I paid for this one. No freebies.