
Bytesized | Stuff for ladies (30\09\2016)

Who run the world? Girls. I have found some choice stuff this week that are all lady related. A car designed especially for the ladies – with a handbag hook, Kristen Bell slays in pink sourcing (pinkertising), Sam rocks the tech and gaming industry and more. Obviously we’re the ladies.

Cosmo designed a car for women 

Finally! It’s been tough driving cars for men my entire life. Their only saving grace is that the car is not pink. It’s purple.


It comes with parking assist and (FFS I’m joking). But it does come with eyelash headlights and a handbag hook. Here’s what Ellen had to say.



Girls can dominate the tech (and gaming) industry 

Our awesome editor, Sam Wright was voted a #W24tastemaker. Yup she really is that cool. Read more about it here or watch the video below. 

A funny look at “pinksourcing” which is actually still a thing 

Girl Geek Dinners

If you’re not already on their mailing list, sign up for Girl Geek Dinners. It’s a fun evening with drinks, snacks, amazing goodie bags and great speakers. Sign up for GGDJHB or GGDCPT.

Tip: as soon as you get the mail RSVP and pay immediately. These events sell out fast.

Allow me to mansplain

Mansplain mansplained

Image result for mansplain


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