South African Esports

How do we get more girls playing South African Esports?


Yeah, I love South African Esports. However, I do wish there were more girls in the scene. We desperately need the female contingent to grow but I’m not sure how we go about doing that. Some of our best players on the international scene have been female (remember that article I wrote about Shazz?).

In my hunt to grow the female gaming scene I’ve met some incredible women but my best find, so far, are the ladies from Amaryllis Gaming. This all girl CSGO team is currently playing in the Telkom DGL and have big ambitions to kill it on the local scene.

 South African Esports
South African gamer Shazz winning internationally with Team Karma

I had the chance to sit down with them in my kitchen (get the joke?) and have a chat about the difficulties of being a girl in South African Esports as well as their plans for female domination:

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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