magazine quality photos for your blog

Get professional magazine quality photos for your blog

You’ll have likely noticed that some of the photos on Tech Girl have been next level incredible lately. I’ve realised in the last few months that good images are so important for a blog. No one wants to see the press pictures littered over the internet but they still want to see great photos of the gadgets I’m trying out or things I’m getting up to. I try my best but sometimes I need a little extra oomph!

Here’s how to get professional magazine quality photos for your blog

magazine quality photos for your blog

I recently found out that a friend of mine has magazine styling experience. She helped me shop for outfits for my Evetech Champion’s League MC debut and styled me so incredibly well. It turns out her talents don’t only lie there, she also happens to have an eye for glamour and can take the most incredible magazine quality photos for your blog.

Megan Perks is a lady of many talents: design, styling and photography.

magazine quality photos for your blog

She is responsible for the gorgeous Fitbit photos you’ve seen and will be credited with a few other blog post photos on the way. Her eye for detail is spot on and her editing skills incredible. I’m so happy I’ve found her and will be working with her in the future to ensure the images on Tech Girl are magazine quality.

The best part?

magazine quality photos for your blog

She doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Her rates are affordable for bloggers – which I really loved. She is happy to help after hours and can work with what you’ve got. She also turns around images in record time. If you’re keen to employ her for some blog love then be sure to drop her an email (wondering how I linked to an email in WordPress? Read how here) or visit her portfolio by clicking here.

Meg is based in the north of Johannesburg and I think she would be extremely talented at styling and photographing fashion shoots. However, her talents don’t end there. She has done some fabulous work with my gadgets and accessories as you can see.

I’m so excited to see what she comes up with next!

Disclosure: I pay Megan for her talents and you should too! 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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