Win tickets to the invite only Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg

A Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg is a special thing. The event follows a pretty standard process: tickets go on sale and you literally have to book and pay within a matter of hours to reserve your spot. Once the dinner roles around you’re greeted by a gorgeous goodie bag, a scrumptious meal and a chance to listen to some kick ass female speakers who inspire and motivate. You also have the opportunity to meet a host of other fabulous Girl Geeks and just let your hair down.

The dinners have become renowned and tickets are, many a time, like hen’s teeth to claim.

After a few years of running the dinners, I had the awesome opportunity to join the incredible team of ladies behind the event. Tech Girl came on as the official media partner towards the beginning of 2016. For our September Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg we’re doing something a little different. During the course of all our dinners we’ve realised there is a small dedicated group of ladies who purchase tickets for every dinner. They’re at every event and are our biggest supporters.

We want to reward these ladies.


So for the September dinner we’re closing up ticket sales and turning the event in to an invite only affair. This is our chance to award those loyal ladies and pamper them a little bit. The event will take place on the 28th of September at Cube Tasting Kitchen. It is going to be an evening of incredible food and, more importantly, incorporate two amazing speakers in to the mix.

Mandy Weiner, who has won numerous awards and is, without a doubt, one of the most respected journalists in SA will be speaking about Business Lessons from the Dark Side – a talk about her experiences working with the one of the highest South African profiles on twitter @MandyWiener. The talk will also likely focus on some of her incredible books including Killing Kebble and Behind the Door: The Oscar and Reeva story – which she co-wrote with Barry Bateman. I’m incredibly excited for this one.

Christelle Van De Merwe from Mimecast will also be speaking and will focus on ransomware attacks.

Both talks promise to be educational and entertaining.


As I mentioned before, this one is invite only and isn’t going to cost attendees a cent. This is really thanks to our incredible sponsor, Mimecast, who wants to reward loyal Girl Geeks and also contribute to the female tech community. The event promises to be something spectacular.

So why am I telling you about an event you can’t attend?

Girl Geek Dinners

Because there is a chance you could attend! I have two double tickets to giveaway to two lucky ladies (and you’ll each be able to bring a friend). If you weren’t on the invite list or maybe have never been to a Girl Geek Dinner in Johannesburg then this is your chance to win!

All you need to do is comment on this post telling me why you are deserving of the tickets. You’ll also need to send a little tweet encouraging others to enter as well. Follow the Rafflecopter prompts to enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have always wanted to go to one of these talks and have unfortunately never gotten the opportunity to attend one. Both my friend and I want to be more involved in women empowerment projects as well as learning about new technologies and understanding what we as women can do to have a stronger presence of women at work.

  2. I love the Geek Girl dinners, and I’ve been to every one I could since I found out about them, barring when I either couldn’t afford to go, or wasn’t in the country! I wish I’d known about them sooner, then I might be one of the lucky ones that got an invitation! I’ve also always wanted to bring my sister along to one of these, I’ve raved about them to her before, and she would also love to go to her first one.

  3. Without a doubt one of the most inspiring and fun events to attend. I haven’t been always to attend but the dinners I have been to always leave me with a sense of wanting to hear more. Being a female working in the (male dominated) tech industry I sometimes need to be reminded of all the absolutely phenomenal women breaking boundaries in business right on our doorstep. I’d love to win these tickets for my require dosage of awesomeness, I love to get back to the office and share my learnings with the rest of the team! (Also its my birthday the day before so I think this would be a pretty awesome birthday present 🙂 )

  4. I had such a blast at the last Geek Girl Dinner! I met so many amazing ladies, and I became friends with quite a few of them afterwards too. Please can I win a ticket to the next event, I’ve been raving about it to all my lady friends. This was the first event I ever attended where I felt so welcome, all these inspiring women into tech and business, and I get to be a girly girl!

  5. Have attended every single dinner since I moved to Joburg, and the wide range of speakers and topics really makes this a one of a kind event for any girl into tech! Or just any girl who wants to get out there and meet people.

    I always feel welcome and special. One of the only events where I attend completely alone but never feel awkward or left out- thanks to the amazing ladies around me. Have made new friends at every event I’ve attended.

    Learn soooo much from the speakers and they have given me both great content and the confidence to report back to my superiors at work on the latest ideas.

    Girl geek dinners have made me more prepared to put myself out there as the tech contact/ go-to-girl within the male dominated engineering consulting firm I work for. They have taught me how to be a BRAND within my own work environment.

    And have I mentioned the current obsession with Lego games??? Yes, that was also a byproduct of the Girl Geek experience!!!

  6. I have had the opportunity to attend one Girl Geek Dinner – and what an amazing, inspiring experience it was! Since the event I attended I was unfortunately unable to attend another due to circumstances. If I get chosen as winner of a pair of tickets, I will be taking my best friend along with me (she was unable to attend the event with me & I talked her ears off on how great it was) – the two of us are ambitious young ladies, on a mission to climb the corporate ladder and one day inspire young ladies like ourselves. I can’t think of a better way to get started on this journey than learning from ladies who have done it already at the Girl Geek Dinner.

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