tutorial on how to curl your hair

A video tutorial on how to curl your hair… with the best gadget ever!

I bet you didn’t expect me to do a video tutorial on how to curl your hair? Yeah, me neither. A few months ago I blogged about the GHD Curve Creative Curl Wand I had purchased and did a sneaky little photo essay to show it in action. Believe it or not, after reading that post one of my friends also went out and purchased the wand. She very soon asked me how I used it to ensure she got similar results.

I explained but I also realised that showing you how to use the wand is far easier. I’m the biggest fan of this little gadget and think it is one of the best. It has changed my hair life – really!

Here’s my latest YouTube video giving you a quick hair tutorial on how to curl your hair. If you found it useful please be sure to hit subscribe.

If you absolutely must get a GHD Curve (makes complete sense to me) then head on over here and buy one online.

Disclaimer: I purchased the GHD Curve for myself. I also purchased the GHD hairbrush. The other GHD products in the video were gifted to me but I had originally purchased them… have the empties to prove it! 

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