
Bytesized | 26 August 2016

Google adds games you can play in search (say goodbye to productivity), a mom wins at parenting by dressing her sleeping kid up cosplay style, check out the hilarious video Christian Girl Instagram and more in this week’s edition of Bytesized.

SEARCH: solitaire and see what happens

Type ‘solitaire’ into Google to play the card game right in search. Goodbye productivity. 

Displaying Screenshot_20160825-173429.png

If like me you are having Olympics withdrawal, then take a trip down memory lane and check out our favourite moments of the Rio Olympics. 

IMAGE: mom goes cosplay crazy on baby during nap time

This mom is winning at parenting. She dresses her little one up with amazing results.  This kid will definitely want these shown at her 21st. To view the other cosplay pics, click here. 

Employee Of The Month
Employee Of The Month

VIDEO: Christian Girl Instagram

Stand up comedian John Crist made this video over a year ago but someone shared it on Facebook and it is pretty funny. 

WATCH: Sam and her brother show you how to throw a ninja star

TWEET: yup pretty much me on parenting

I don’t have kids and replace whiskey with wine.


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