These Amazon reviews are funny AF

A friend at work published an amazing article showcasing some weird products that you can actually buy on Amazon. Although the products are classic (Uranium ore anyone?), the reviews are even more so… And this is how I discovered the wonderful world of discovering weird stuff you can buy on Amazon and reading Amazon reviews.

Check out the inspiration for this article, These Funny Customer Reviews Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh, here. 

Get Live Medical Leeches on Amazon

4 Live Leeches - Leech Worms Hirudo Medicinalis - Medical Leaches Leach Worms4

The product description alone made for great reading, but the reviews are the cherry on top. 

These Clinical Bloodsucking Leeches are shipped from leech farm suppliers at wholesale prices. You may also keep them at home as Pet Leeches. All Leeches are shipped on Mondays, to best survive the journey – dont delay to buy your leeches before they are completely gone for the season. – Product Description

amazon funny leech review 1
They swim like dolphins…
amazon funny leech review 2
Not only good lookers, but good communication
amazon funny leech review 3
She knows a good leech when she sees one…

The Manly Art of Knitting & More on Amazon

A co-worker sent me a link to The Manly Art of Knitting, which you can buy here, and it was the frequently bought together suggestion that got me. I collect books, but this book alone has lead me on a new quest: To collect the most random books that I can find.

SEE ALSO: guy reads books with highly inappropriate covers on the subway, records reactions in this edition of Bytesized

amazon funny book review 1
Practical advice…
amazon funny book review 3
Great gift

amazon funny book review 2

Goats in Trees Calendar on Amazon

This tweet sums up my obsession perfectly.


The Amazon movie reviews don’t disappoint

Forget IMDB, I’m using Amazon movie reviews as my new movie watching barometer.


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