I have three email accounts and I’ve steadily watched the unread mail count rise in each. It is now completely out of control. I am the absolute worst. I read a mail and if I think I can reply later I mark it as unread and then it takes me weeks to get back to it. I have been trying to work off a four quadrant solution. The first emails I deal with are urgent and important. The next batch are urgent but not important. Thirdly, I go through important but not urgent and finally not important and not urgent.
Unfortunately, quadrant three and four almost never get dealt with. I spend all my time dealing with quadrant one and two. It would take me a few minutes to reply but I just never get round to it. Now I’m sitting looking at a stack of blinking alerts in my mailbox and I’m dreading it. I need to answer these mails.
Canned Emails helps you reply to mails quickly.
I found this clever website called Canned Emails and it is potentially going to save my life. It supplies a list of pre-written emails for the busy Tech Girl. It is pretty simple. Head on over to the website and go through the list to see what you need to respond to:
Click on the appropriate task and it immediately opens a mail with a pre-written piece of text that solves your problem. My favourite is the break up email. I had a good chuckle reading this one:
Jokes aside, I’ve found the perfect response for not urgent and not important emails in the task received, respond later pre-written email:
Adulting like a boss!
Which Canned Emails response is your go to?