every28 website

Get your ladies essentials delivered monthly with this website

There is nothing worse than the awkward garage stop during the start of that time of the month. You’ve realised you’ve run out of our essentials and now you need to grab a box of tampons before work. I always feel so awkward because you stand in the queue with your box, pay and get asked if you need a bag – well obviously!

every28 website

I know it is a normal girl thing. I get it, I do, but that still doesn’t make it less awkward. A giant flag to every stranger in the store (who, yes, you’ll never see again) going – Yup, I’m a little bit grumpy today, three guesses why?

I recently found this great South African website called Every28.

every28 website

It is such a clever idea – you select your monthly products on the online store. Then, each month Every28 delivers your box of goodies to you – so you never need to make an uncomfortable garage stop again. I love the concept but I also love the variety of products. They feature most major brands and have a selection of products from tampons and sanitary towels to basic toiletries and even condoms. It’s the perfect service for a busy woman and you’ll never find yourself forgetting to buy tampons (or toothpaste). I think it is really clever!

every28 website

Other than the sneaky sweet that Every28 throws in to your monthly delivery there are some other highlights – they don’t take the money off your account until the 1st of the month, so even if you order and sign up for a subscription today you’ll only pay at the beginning of the month – which is rather rad. Some of the products are a little bit cheaper than store prices – nice!

every28 website

Every28 is a clever idea and one I’m seriously considering trying out. What do you think? Is there service something you’d use? 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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