
Bytesized | 29 April 2016 – the video edition

Watch a YouTuber teach you how to become gluten intolerant, an awesome YouTube ad that lets you kill a weed (yes really), Onions by Apple, what push notifications look like for the instafamous and a real world use for your selfie stick.

This is Bytesized the video edition.

NOTE: A long weekend awaits and if you are part of the few that didn’t cash in on the 2 days leave get 6 days off deal, then these videos will make you smile. I would say make sure your headphones are on, but you are probably one of the few in the office and your co-workers will appreciate the humour. 

WATCH how to become gluten intolerant

This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Yes it’s 6 minutes long but you will be laughing the whole way through. Also subscribe to JP Spears’ channel.

WATCH what push notifications look like when you have 10.4M instgram followers

If you’re anything like me you get quite excited when you have more than 5 instagram or Twitter notifications.  Demy de Zeeuw, who runs soccer-focused Instagram account @433 shows us exactly what happens when he posts a pic. I get annoyed when I get too many notifications from a What’s App group. #InstaFamousProblems

WATCH an advertiser that gets pre-roll YouTube ads

Once the ad plays for 5 seconds, you get to end it by “Killing Prickly” the weed. They are advertising a weed killer. Brilliant.

WATCH the film that is taking the world by storm, Onions

I like how Apple doesn’t take themselves too seriously in this ad.

PICTURE how to put your selfie stick to good use

And if you need any more ideas, check out our ed Sam’s alternative uses for a selfie stick. 


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