The truth is, my blog sometimes makes me money. It is a nice perk for doing something you love. A few months after I started my day job my blog started making a bit more money. A few trolls gossiped that it was because I was cheating some sort of secret system but the truth was – my blogging knowledge had levelled up.
Working at an influencer marketing platform during the day has given me some insight in to what exactly brands are looking for when they invest in a blog campaign. I’m by no means an expert and still learning every day. Blogging, for me, is about community and so I wanted to share some of the things I’ve learnt. I recorded a vlog in London breaking down how to sell your blog campaign to brands.
I’m hoping this will help other bloggers pitch themselves to brands. I’ve embedded the video below for you to watch. Please do share your thoughts in the comments below. Please also don’t forget to subscribe if you found it helpful!