How to avoid being basic on Instagram

With over 400 million monthly active accounts, Instagram is among the most popular social media platforms. Although many of us may use the platform to showcase our amazing selfie taking skills, businesses are turning to Instagram to market themselves. Through Instagram brands are able to build awareness, boost engagement, and drive traffic to their business be it by using Influencers or sponsored posts. But for those of us that want to continue using the app to snoop on our ex boyfriend’s or brother’s new girlfriend- while still posting the odd selfie, here’s some guidelines on how to not be basic on Instagram.

1. Don’t post your entire holiday album, no one cares!

We’ve all been in that awkward situation where a friend comes back from holiday with over 1000 pictures and wants to go through ALL of them with you?  Let’s admit it, most of us get bored after the 5th picture.

Truth is no one wants to see all your holiday pictures so choose 5 favourites and spread the posts out with at least 3 days in between each post to avoid boring everyone to death.


2. Make sure the pictures you post are high quality images.

Even if it’s your friend’s birthday and you only look good in that one blurry picture from the night before do not post it! Instagram is a photography app so use your photography skills. Make sure the pictures you post are clear, unless of course it is for an artistic spin on the picture.


3. Crop your pictures

Make your Instagram page more attractive by having equal spaces in between each picture. This makes the first glances at your entire page more eye-catching. You can also go beyond just making sure each picture is pretty by being creative and posting two images at once to create one big picture. Giant Square is a new app for Instagram that lets you create banners/ panorama pictures on your Instagram page.


4. Use those filters!

A good filter can really enhance a picture and make it come to life so why not use them?

And for those days when you look so good you don’t need a filter, use the hashtag #nofilter and feel “blessed” (I hate that word).

Although filters can be a great asset to your pictures don’t be that person that abuses both good lighting and the filters only to end up looking like Lord Voldemort, yes your eyes look great but where’s your nose?



5. Gym Results

If you have lost some weight after hours of hard work and dedication you have every right to post how good you look and get praised by all your followers.BUT, like you don’t care how many Jalapeno poppers I ate  this weekend, most people don’t care how many times you checked into the gym.

So unless you own a fitness inspiration account avoid posting the same gym results/ gym selfies, week after week especially if there are no results to show off.



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