Let's Play Hitman

Let’s Play Hitman with a pro gaming journalist (and her baby)

Hitman is an episodic stealth video game that was released in March 2016. You play as Agent 47, a Hitman for hire who tends to end up working for the type of people who hang around models and go to parties in mansions. It falls into the action adventure come stealth genre and is ideal because the latest offering from the series is releasing in episodes (meaning you won’t have to go without brushing your hair for three days while you try finish the whole game).

Sounds like fun right? Yup.

Let's Play Hitman

That’s why I figured Hitman would be the perfect game for another Let’s Play – you know, those videos where I find unsuspecting girls and put them behind the console. For Hitman I mixed it up a little bit and convinced professional gaming journalist Zoe Hawkins from Lazygamer.net to join us. She bought her little tot Harley along and then made me hold her…. You’ll need to watch the video to see how that one turned out.

Zoe, despite her professional job title, also beat the record for earliest death in one of our Let’s Play videos (originally held by Jade during Far Cry Primal). Watch the video below, subscribe to the channel if you want to see more and be sure to comment on what you think about the game.

I’d also like to take this time to apologise to future Harley for being so awkward around babies. My bad. 

Big thanks to our awesome Marco for editing this video. ROCKSTAR!

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