powerpuff girl

How to turn yourself in to a PowerPuff Girl

For many a girl growing up in the 2000s – being one of the PowerPuff Girls was a life goal. I remember fighting it out with my friends over which of us would claim which PowerPuff Girl identity (I, of course, always ended up as Buttercup courtesy of my dark hair).

Now anyone can be a PowerPuff Girl with a nifty new website that has gone live. Want to know how to turn yourself into a PowerPuff Girl? Just visit Powerpuff yourself. It’s really easy to make a PowerPuff Girl and will likely take up less than 10 minutes of your time. You can customise facial features, add a few funky accessories and incorporate a fun background. Once done you have the option to download your design as an Avatar, Desktop Image or an animated GIF:

powerpuff girl

The site is a clever marketing ploy for Cartoon Network, no doubt. But it really is rather fun.

It’s really rad that it is also so inclusive. Girls and Guys can PowerPuff themselves. I made this funky PowerPuff of Thulz (aka LighterTZ) who recently helped teach me some CS:GO basics:

Screen Shot 2016-04-03 at 7.34.29 AM

Have you turned yourself into a PowerPuff Girl yet? We’d love to see the results! Share them in the comments below or on our Facebook page.  

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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