darkside ollie

Meet my new best friend Darkside Ollie

I’m a kid at heart. I love fun gadgets and tech that I can play with and that serve no real purpose other than to bring me great joy. Darkside Ollie is one of those things. This new little toy from Sphero is all sorts of wonderful. I’m completely blown away by how rad and fun he is.

Darkside Ollie

Sphero released an Ollie earlier this year, but Darkside Ollie is like the cooler older cousin we all had growing up. Ollie has this funky black design and customisable lighting when you switch him on. I’m personally a big fan of the red lighting. Sphero toys used to only work with Apple devices (conveniently I purchased my new iPhone) but the free app that controls them is now also available on the Google Play Store. Android fans the world over rejoice! All you need to do is download the app and pair it up with Ollie. From there you control him via your phone and it is so easy.

darkside ollie

Darkside Ollie is the robot for the adrenaline junkie. He can go for a full hour on a single charge and is designed to be driven in to walls, taken down stairs and his engine has a polycarbonate shell to protect it which means it repels water so you don’t need to be nervous about driving him through the dirt. How rad?

darkside ollie

He goes extremely fast and you can programme him to learn all sorts of tricks. In the box you have the option of two sets of wheels. One set allows you to go extremely fast (like 6.3m per second fast) while if you put the Nubby tyres on you get great traction and can do some pretty funky trips that include flipping and spinning.

darkside ollie

Here’s how to pair Darkside Ollie with your phone and a few shots of him just having a crazy fun time:


You can get your own Darkside Ollie from the iStore for R2599. 

Disclaimer: Ollie was a review unit meaning they’ll need to rip him from our hands soon.

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