esports gamers fest

MOAR esports!

Head’s up: before you give me a hard time for putting a PS4 remote in the header – let it be known that finding royalty free images of gaming rigs is close to impossible unless I fork out. I don’t want to fork out. 

By now you should be aware that the esports bug has bitten me.. numerous times… all over my body. I’m a fan. I’ve always had an affinity to esports because my brother was rather involved in the scene but now that I’ve started watching matches and immersing myself in the culture I’m a fan. So much so that this past weekend I spent much of my couch time figuring out CS GO. I’m still being killed by bots (mainly because I like shooting a sawed off shotgun which is an inaccurate bastard of a weapon… but it sounds wicked) but I’m loving the experience of learning the ins and outs.

esports gamers fest

This is not a post where I declare my undying love for esports (my bad, did that already) – it’s actually to share a really rad event happening this weekend.

The Mall of the South (in Joburg south, my home town boet) is going to be hosting Gamer’s Fest in conjunction with Vodacom. There will be big screens up in the mall for you to watch (they’ll be showing DOTA 2) and there will be a CS GO tournament happening downstairs in the LAN area that will be streamed courtesy of the nAvTV boys.

Come through. Spectate. Have some fun. You’ll find that esports are rather fun to watch and you might just find yourself being killed by bots in a few weeks time because the bug will bite you too.

esports gamers fest


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