cakewalk app

Cakewalk just broke my heart (it has more to do with the iPhone)

It’s only been a few days without the iPhone and I’m struggling a bit with the withdrawals. They were made worse when Tech Girl writer Jade sent through this app with the text:

Seen as you’re using an iPhone you absolutely have to try this app.


cakewalk app

While I can’t test the app out (I need to go steal my mom’s 5C to do that), I can tell you about it because it is pretty damn rad.

Cakewalk is the perfect app for someone attempting to spend less time on the couch (like me). It’s a step counter that sets you daily goals. However, here’s the fun part: if you don’t reach those goals it forces you to partake in fun challenges…. and if you don’t complete the challenges it then logs on to your Twitter account and shames you – in a hysterically funny way.

cakewalk app

What more motivation do you need than an app telling all your followers that you’re being lazy as hell? That’s what I thought! It also partners up with Apple Watch so it really does become one of the best ways to keep moving. If you don’t expect to be shamed by the app online! It’s available for Download from the Apple store.

cakewalk app

Anyone else think this app might help them achieve their fitness goals? 

I'd love to chat to you some more.


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