apple watch

Do you need an Apple Watch? YES!

Remember how I migrated to a Macbook Pro at the end of 2015? Well, once that love affair started it only made sense to try out a few other Apple offerings. The Rose Gold Apple Watch seemed like a good place to start. I didn’t expect to like it. I didn’t want to. Smartwatches are stupid right? Wrong.

Within two days this little timepiece integrated its self into my life and I’m completely blown away. Here’s a few reasons I’m a fan:

It fits my little wrist

apple watch

Smartwatches and wearables tend to be big. They’re designed with a one size fits all approach and… one size doesn’t fit all. The Rose Gold Apple Watch with its white band was the perfect fit on my wrist. It still looked dainty and watch like. Rose Gold also happens to go with almost any outfit and, with the white band, I could mix it with gold and silver jewellery easily. Winning!

Notifications on your wrist

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The Apple Watch allows you to answer calls, read what’s apps and text messages, check Twitter notifications, Facebook updates and even keep up to date with Slack discussions at work. It even gave me Snapchat notifications. Most people think this is dumb (I was one of them). Why do you need notifications on your wrist when your phone is in your purse? I’ll tell you why: you become far more productive at the office because you’re not always pulling out your phone when it beeps. All you need to do is check your wrist and determine if the notification requires a response. You become far more sociable when you’re out because you aren’t always pulling out your phone and checking it. It makes you a more productive and social woman. That is not a bad thing!

No more phone time while driving!

apple watch

I’m guilty of punching in directions on Google Maps and then driving to my destination with my phone in my lap. Not cool at all! The Apple Watch vibrates with the directions on your wrist. Sounds simple but makes all the difference.

It will make you a healthier human being

apple watch

I started 2016 in the gym. I’m serious about living a healthier and more active lifestyle. Since I made this commitment I’ve gone on hikes, joined Grid classes and started weight training. I track all my fitness on the Apple Watch. It gives me a constant update on my goals, where I am in my workout and how I’m comparing to previous days. It also tracks my activity for the rest of the day. I’m able to set move goals that the watch reminds me to meet every day. It even notifies me when I’ve been sitting down too long at the office. This one is great for those of us stuck at desk jobs. I’ve used a host of fitness wearables and apps but the Apple Watch has been the first that I’ve found truly integrates in to my life and helps me just be a healthier human.

The battery isn’t as bad as you think

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Lots of people have told me they think the idea of charging a watch every night is stupid (I thought the same). The Apple Watch is so quick to charge though. I usually put it on charge when I jump in to the shower and prep my food and bags for the next day. It’s usually fully charged within an hour or two. I’ve forgotten to charge it a few times and can easily get two days from it before I need to start stressing.

I really love this little wearable and am not sure how I coped before it came along. You can purchase an Apple Watch from the iStore. Is it a bit pricey? Yes… but when you see how involved it gets in your life you probably won’t mind.

Do you have an Apple Watch yet?

Disclaimer: Not my watch. Seriously considering moving all medical aid cover to Discovery to try bag a watch… or spending my salary at the iStore – one of the two! 

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