To say that technology has improved our lives is an understatement. While the advances are remarkable, we have become easily distracted and focus on doing more instead of doing it well.
Here are 5 ways tech has improved my daily life.
1. I used to be a multi tasker and was always too busy. It was when I was close to burn out that I realized something had to change. I focused on doing one thing at a time. The surprising thing was that the quality of my work improved and I got more done.
Instead of quickly going through my phone while checking email, I now set aside time to go through my phone and reply to people, giving them the attention they deserve.
Key learning:
do one thing at a time.
2. I also turn off notification sounds. Whenever you hear a beep or your phone vibrates, you break your concentration. I will naturally check my phone every two hours, so there is no need for me to be distracted.
To avoid those pesky SMSes telling me I can get life cover for as little as R10 a day, I use tru messenger, which automatically sends messages like that to spam.
If I am writing or working on a presentation, I either close all of my browsers or use Leechblock. This allows me to set specific time limits on sites or block them completely.
Key learning:
avoid distractions.
3. Having a morning routine is extremely important because it sets the tone for the rest of the day.
To wake up feeling fresh, I have set my alarm tone to one of my favourite songs. That way I wake up singing and feeling great. Annoying or extremely loud alarms can be a shock to the system.
Meditation is very beneficial. It is simply the act of being in the present moment. There are some amazing free meditation apps and you will see results with only doing 5 minutes a day.
Key learning:
start your day off right.
4. Creating new healthier habits can be tough. With an app like The Fabulous, you can set different habits for the day. I have reminders to drink water, take a break from my desk and to be grateful before bed.
I also subscribe to Notes from the universe, a daily email that reminds me to focus on what is important. It arrives at about 11am, and this is the perfect time to take a short break.
Key learning:
reminders are your friend.
5. A calendar with all of the important stuff, like doctor’s appointments, coffee dates, meetings, weekends away, is always on my phone. I keep my work and social calendar separate.
I use the monthly view so that I can get an overall look at how I choose to spend my time. This also means that I will never forget birthdays, without having to be reminded by Facebook.
Key learning:
schedule important events.
Bonus: email can suck the productivity out of your day.
Here are 3 ways to beat the inbox beast.
- Put all of your promotional mailers in one place, so that you get a daily review of your emails.
- Tackling the email inbox beast can be tough, here are some tips.
- Schedule emails. I will never send emails after work hours because this either makes people think that I can’t complete my work in the time allocated or that it is okay to contact me at all hours. I still work after hours, but clients do not need to know that.