Lovely – the video that will blow your mind

Awhile back I headed to the Apple in Education Awards. I tweeted at the event. It’s a great initiative that awards schools and pupils for utilising iPads, Apple devices and iOS apps in their education. The initiative is so much more than patting smart kids with access to cool tech on the back. There were many rural learners who had created incredible work after being given access to iPads and devices.

I tried to purchase one of the photos that a pupil had shot. It was such an incredible photograph and it blew my mind when someone shared with me how this particular learner was living in poverty and yet had mastered the art of capturing magic through the lens of an iPhone.

The real stand out for me though was this video created by Gabriella Fedetto. Gabriella is a pupil at St Stithian’s College. She entitled the video Lovely. I want to write about it. I want to tell you how it made me feel and how the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I want to tell you how enthralled I was by it. I want to tell you so many things but no words will do it justice. Watch it. Be amazed:


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