How to hide your ex on Facebook

How to hide your ex on Facebook

I’m the absolute worst when it comes to ex stalking on Facebook. It is always the first few weeks after we call it quits… I’ll find myself checking up on them online. Are they also sitting at home eating chocolate? Or are they out? Are they online? Do they miss speaking to me as much as I miss speaking to them? Is that a photo of him with a new girl? Wow, that was quick!

Unfortunately, my unhealthy habit has meant that I need to take drastic action and that action usually involves me unfriending someone the moment I end it. It’s not because I don’t want to eventually be friends but usually because, for my own good, I break the bond that allows me to stalk. This can sometimes cause bigger fights.

Mark Zuckerberg to the rescue!

How to hide your ex on Facebook

Facebook has rolled out new options on their US Mobile App which will hopefully become regular features for the rest of us. You can now hide your ex on Facebook, or at least see less of him for a little while, without blocking, unfriending or customising privacy options.

The new tools will let you hide posts and updates that feature your ex and also make it a big easier to mass untag old photos with him.

How to hide your ex on Facebook

You can also choose to have his posts hidden on the newsfeed and his name not come up for tagging in photos. There is also an option to limit how much he sees about you.

The new feature is called “Take a break”. I don’t know about you but I could have really used this little gem last week!

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