
Bytesized | 13 November 2015

Bytesized. Your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes.


By now everyone has heard Adele’s Hello (if you haven’t check out Hello Adele, You Broke The Internet) and in true twittersphere fashion we now have the #HelloChallenge and it’s even funnier step sister #HelloChallengeGone Wrong.

All you do is start a conversation with your ex (always a good idea) using the lyrics of Adele’s Hello. Hilarity ensues.



savage chickens friday the 13th



The man bun is here to stay for a while, so much so that some entrepreneurial minds came up with the clip on man bun.



Derick Watts and The Sunday Blues are one of my favourites. A while back they did a Stop The Knot video that brought awareness to the man bun’s cousin, the top knot.

The internet went crazy and then they issued an apology.


Bytesized is your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes. #ByteSizedZA @TechGirlZA

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