
Bytesized | 25 September

Bytesized. Your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes.


Comedian Martine Evans discloses the winning formula for making extreme sports videos.

martin evans how to make a sports video


It’s an oldie but a goodie. I had this song stuck in my head for most of Heritage Day.


A picture of a picture in context. Chompoo Baritone’s latest series reveals the truth behind instagram pictures. Remember social media is just someone else’s highlights reel. Anne over at Anneversation delved a bit deeper in to this one. Read the full article here.

instagram your friends are liars


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According to Mashable, more people died from trying to take selfies (12) than from shark attacks (8). However Forbes responded with a “What Mashable got wrong” article. And what they got wrong was this – you can’t compare deaths from an activity without taking into consideration how often that activity is performed and people take A LOT of selfies.

The odds of dying while taking a selfie are about 1 in 4 billion – a pretty low risk. Much lower than your risk of being attacked by a shark while surfing, for example. Of course, a quick look at the numbers also tells us that the risk of being attacked by a shark and the odds of dying while taking a selfie are both pretty ridiculously low.

What this means is that you should go forth and take as many selfies as you want without fear.

Bytesized is your weekly digital dose of all things tech in snackable bytes. #ByteSizedZA @TechGirlZA

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