Hipster Barbie

You Wish You Were As Cool As Hipster Barbie

You know those people on Instagram, whose lives always seem better than yours? They’re always making you feel bad that all your Instagram pics are of your cat? Well, say hello to Socality/ Hipster Barbie. She is the new queen of the Instagram Kingdom.

Hipster Barbie
Hipster Barbie

Here you can see Hipster Barbie doing one of her #blessed #travel shots, making you wish you were standing with your jeans inside the ocean.

The mastermind behind the account is an Oregon wedding photographer who wants to remain anonymous, calling out people not so subtly on their weird hipster Instagram pics. It’s a fun account to follow but could also be seen as a bit of social commentary on how we use social media and social networks. I definitely had a good giggle!

I mean just look at the caption of this photo, baha!
I mean just look at the caption of this photo, baha!

Ooooh I just happened to have all this stuff with me, so let me enjoy some coffee on this cliff…

And here is Barbie's hunk, and of course he can do ALL those things.
And here is Barbie’s hunk, and of course he can do ALL those things.

Barbie loves travel shots…

Just having a random nap between two cliffs...
Just having a random nap between two cliffs…

But most of all, Hipster Barbie wants to be #authentic.

Barbie being #real
Barbie being #real

Oh life is so dang perfect.

How many times have we seen these?
How many times have we seen these?

Oh how #blessed is Hipster Barbie


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