Yes, this is what the world is coming to. A Nicki Minaj mobile game.
So Glu released info that they are creating a Nicki Minaj mobile game. These are the same people who created the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game (by the way, we have a great post on how that game is ripping off girls – take a read by clicking here).
All Glu revealed was that we could expect the game in 2016. I can’t work with this, so I decided what SHOULD be in this game. YOU’RE WELCOME GLU.
Okay, firstly she should have a choice of hair. This is very important. Mostly pink, thank you. Secondly, she should have a choice of boyfriends and shoes. Nicki Minaj should also have a theme song for each day and should be able to rap her lunch at Burger King drive throughs. She should be able to twerk her anaconda. She should also have a spaceship.
According to Buzzfeed, Glu’s Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game accounted for 31% of the company’s revenue last year. Glu estimates that Nicki has the same social media reach as Kim, with 102 million followers combined across Facebook, Twitter, Vine and YouTube.
My anaconda really don’t… want to play this mobile game. Ever. What.