4 pet gadgets your furry friends will love

It’s no secret I have far more time for my menagerie of animals than I do for most humans. Horses, dogs and a parrot. I’m living in a little zoo. I’ve recently been hunting down some rather rad tech gadgets that are ideal for your pets. Here’s 4 pet gadgets your furry friends will love.

1. Automatic water dispenser

petgadget water dispenser

There are so many of these on the market currently. Most tap in to your water supply and then you just need to train your dog on how to use it. Dogs are smarter than us so this is relatively easy.

2. The cat translator

petgadget cat translation

Cats. I don’t understand them. Now I can with Meowlingual. Apparently this cat translation device analyses your cat’s face and then categorises his or her mood according to the library of moods and facial expressions it stores.

3. Face Time with your dog

petgadget chats

This beauty from PetChatz allows you to check in with your dog while you’re at work. It’s a handy device to let your pet know you’re thinking of them during the day. Much like a quick text message to your boyfriend… only a little bit creepy?

4. Self sustaining fish bowls

petgadget self sustaining fish tank

You’ll never have to flush goldie the goldfish down the toilet again (I buried mine when I was a kid. My dad tried to explain why burying a fish in the dirt didn’t make sense. But I didn’t want to hear it). Apparently a few designers have been working on self sustaining fish bowls. So you won’t have to worry about cleaning them.

Would you spend your money on these 4 pet gadgets? 

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