
What is a #SlaapTiger?

I keep getting asked the same question over and over again. What is a #SlaapTiger?

A SlaapTiger is that friend who insists on sending you Please Call Mes even though she could easily What’s App. It’s the work colleague who almost never has change for the parking machine and looks at you with puppy dog eyes hoping you’ll foot the bill. We all know a SlaapTiger and we love them anyway, but sometimes we wonder how they seem to skate through life. They need a little shake up and you just want to tell them to change the damn game.

What is a #SlaapTiger?

While they can’t stop the Please Call Mes from your mate, Vodacom is South Africa’s biggest network with the most towers and has the fewest dropped calls (there’s some stats somewhere to back this up). They’re changing the game and seem to be well on their way to introducing a new wedding dance move as well, stand back Macarena, your time is over:

What are you doing to #ChangeTheGame ? 


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